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Te Piri Poho

Creative Projects

Audio & Music Resources

These are original compositions of moteatea by Henare Waaka and Hamish Dobbie, both Tikanga Maori students at the College, completing their Bachelor of Theology.

E Rangi e Paho Nei to Reo

E Rangi e Paho Nei to ReoHenare Waaka
00:00 / 05:54

by Henare Waaka

"This artifact is a ‘mōteatea’ composed for the opening of ‘Wairere’ tupuna whare at Kai-a-te-mata Marae, in the Ngāti Werewere region of Ngāti Hauā.2 This waiata was inspired from my first semester studies at Carey Baptist College, in particular ‘Understanding Culture’... 

This waiata mōteatea is my declaration of who I am, where I have come from and the promise of where I am going."

Ko Koe te Poutokomanawa

Ko Koe te Poutokomanawa Hamish Dobbie
00:00 / 01:30

by Hamish Dobbie

"From my experience, the Church generally only seems to have a handful of waiata that they know which they can used for various aspects of tikanga Māori. This mōteatea is my contribution to beginning to build a larger kete of songs that the Church can draw from for such moments ...

I have written this mōteatea, with the purpose of being used as a waiata tautoko for all manner of Christian kaupapa."

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